To All Members Of The AOGAA:
Subsequent to our most recent meeting of the Executive Board, we are issuing the following advisory with regard to the COVID-19 crisis.
Given the current crisis and the emergency measures enacted by the Government of Alberta with regard to non-essential businesses, social distancing and provincial park and recreation site closures, we have determined that all members should not guide until restrictions have been lifted.
We are aware of the impact of this decision but we are also concerned for the negative precedent that would be set if association guides are found to be not in compliance with government regulations.
Like you, we hope for a swift end to this state of emergency. Our best information indicates that there is no problem with people from the same household fishing together. We hope that, while members may not be able to guide during this time they will still be able to get out on the water and fish, either alone or with family members, if they desire to do so.
As this situation is dynamic, we will do our best to monitor changes and advise the membership of changes in policy as soon as it is possible to do so.
We thank you for your cooperation and your continuing support. Like you, we hope to be back in business and on the river as soon as possible.
Sincerely, Doug Pippus Secretary Angling Outfitters Association of Alberta