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S.O.S. - Save Our Slopes

Take Action - What You Can Do:

Each of the following links is an action you can take to make your voice heard, don't miss the opportunity to help prevent open pit coal mining in these sensitive areas:

Make your voice heard, contact your MLA and MP now

Letter's phone calls and meetings with your elected officials will do far more to influence change than petitions and online advocacy will. If you've done all these things we challenge you to reach out to 5 friends and ensure that they make their voices heard. Encourage those 5 friends to then do the same. Robert Swan's so perfectly captures one of the biggest problems facing the fate of our Eastern Slopes, "The greatest danger to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it". That someone needs to be you...the someone IS you. Reach out to your elected officials.

We can applaud the fact that they are clearly looking for new revenue streams and jobs for Albertans, while still making it unequivocally clear that destroying our Eastern Slopes is NOT an acceptable alternative. We don't need to be anti mining, anti coal or anti industry, we just know that the headwaters of all of our rivers are not where open pit coal mines belong! Alberta needs to reinstate the 1976 Coal Policy removed by the UCP in June, an action that was done without any public consultation.

Make no mistake, road building, drilling and exploration are all currently underway and been done. This is not a what if situation, coal exploitation is underway in our Eastern Slopes. We need your voice to help Save Our Slopes!

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